Telefon ID:


Gjenstand: Telefon Brukssted: Jernbaneverksted Skien
Fabrikat: Landis&Gyr Bruksområde: Privat
Apparattype: Myntapparat Produksjon/serienr:  

Ecosse Pegasus Armoured Payphone

Part number: PEGASUS HD

Short Code: ECO/PEG/HD

Colour: Charcoal

Warranty: 1 Year

The heavy-duty version of the Pegasus incorporates heavy-duty metal cabinet, which greatly increases the security of stored cash. This means that the Heavy Duty Pegasus can be left in less supervised areas than the basic model. It also has an armoured handset cord and allows for the telephone socket to be covered.

Key Features:
◾Heavy duty security steel casing
◾Armoured handset cord
◾Covers telephone socket
◾Pay on answer - with refund
◾Simple set up
◾Direct dial memory buttons - 2
◾Direct dial ''Taxi '' button
◾Alternate carrier routing
◾Coin discriminator
◾PABX compatible
◾Coin capacity - 300 coins

